Brigham Young University Men's Chorus

For maturity, resonance, depth of commitment, and power, the BYU Men’s Chorus can’t be touched.
Walk into BYU’s Madsen Recital Hall at 4:00 pm any day during fall and winter semesters, and you will see an unusual sight — 180 men. Singing.
Judging by the power and beauty of their sound, you may assume that this is a class for voice majors. Not so. In fact, only 15 of them major in music. The other 165 spend most of their day in other pursuits — mechanical engineering, business, biology, and more. Most have part-time jobs. All have other interests. Many serve in the community. Yet all commit this hour every day to the extraordinary Men’s Chorus experience.
Sit through their rehearsal and you will hear a great variety of music — challenging masterpieces from the classical male choral repertoire, jaunty folksongs from all around the world, commanding anthems and heartwarming spirituals. But when you leave, what you are most likely to remember is the way that they sing hymns.
Nothing in their broad repertoire reaches more deeply into their own souls. Never do they shine more brightly than when they are inviting the divine into both their own hearts and those of every listener.
In this, their fifth album, they choose to share their performances of 10 missionary hymns at no charge. They hope to change the world. Maybe they will change yours.