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Set Apart - Beloved Missionary Hymns

Each song is specially arranged for the Men’s Chorus and provides a stirring take on a classic hymn. From the rousing arrangement of “Called to Serve” to the introspective “I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go,” the album is intended to inspire missionaries, members, and disciples of Christ everywhere.

We Sing the Mighty Power of God (Live)
Isaac Watts; arr. Brent Wells
Silent Night
Joseph Mohr, trans. John F. Young, Franz Gruber; arr. David Zabriskie; Shane Warby, baritone
I Stand All Amazed
Charles H. Gabriel; arr. David Zabriskie; Christopher J. Madsen, piano
It Is Well with My Soul
Horatio Spafford, Philip Bliss; arr. Lane Johnson; Jaren Hinckley, clarinet; Christopher Webb, piano
Baptism Hymn (for Mollie)
“When I Am Baptized” by Nita Dale Milner / “Baptism” by Mabel Jones Gabbott, Crawford Gates; arr. David Ross
Savior, Redeemer of My Soul
Rob Gardner; arr. Ronald Staheli
Come, Lord Jesus
From Savior of the World: His Birth and Resurrection; arr. Daniel McDavitt
Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise
Edward Partridge, Anon. (Württemberg, Germany); arr. James Kasen
I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go
Mary Brown, Carrie E. Rounsefell; arr. Matthew D. Nielsen
Choose the Right
Joseph L. Townsend, Henry A. Tuckett; arr. Rosalind Hall
Press Forward, Saints
Marvin K. Gardner (2 Nephi 31:20), Vanja Y. Watkins; arr. Matthew D. Nielsen
I Love the Lord
John S. Tanner (2 Nephi 4), Jean Sibelius; arr. Ronald Staheli
Onward, Christian Soldiers
Sabine Baring-Gould, Arthur S. Sullivan; arr. Lane Johnson
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing
Robert Robinson, John Wyeth; arr. Daniel McDavitt
Brightly Beams Our Father’s Mercy
Philip Paul Bliss; arr. Lane Johnson
Sweet Is the Peace the Gospel Brings
Mary Ann Morton, Alfred M. Durham; arr. Lane Johnson
Called to Serve
Grace Gordon, Adam Geibel; arr. David Zabriskie
The Iron Rod
Joseph L. Townsend, William Clayson; arr. Ronald Staheli
Guide Us, O Thou Great Jehovah
John Hughes, William Williams, arr. Rosalind Hall